Get Your Home’s Equity Working for You

For most Canadians their home is their largest asset. Tapping into the equity can help you achieve other financial goals, such as paying for college, renovating your home, or using the funds to get a head start towards retirement. 

The annual BDO Affordability Index finds that 39 per cent of Canadians have no retirement savings, including 32 per cent of boomers and seniors. Almost four-in-10 Gen Xers have no retirement savings, and they continue to be the most indebted generation.

Accessing the equity in your home to jump start your investments, further your education, or build a rental portfolio is a great way to use your homes increased value to invest in your future.

At My Better Mortgage we care about your future, as much as your present. With every transaction our agents assess your future needs and goals; and when possible we set you on the right path to make retirement not just a possibility, but a reality.

What our clients have to say:

My name is Ken Elson and alongside with my wife Beverley we wanted to take the time to let you know how your mortgage company, My Better Mortgage, has meant the world to both Bev and I… and our son Colin who is a client. Our story started in 2015 when we walked out of a credit union that we where with for 30 plus years. They changed their customer service practices drastically, and as we walked out of that Credit Union we did not know where to turn to have our mortgage renewed. As we got in our car a commercial on a local radio station came on and it was talking about if the banks say no call Rachael Beemer at My Better Mortgage to get the help you need today. Bev called you and set up an appointment and you looked over our renewal and said I CAN HELP YOU GUYS!!! In less then 24 hours we were approved and saved over 1500.00 dollars per month. Now fast forward, we are coming up to 5 years with you and we now have you helping with our retirement fund. We are so so grateful for you and your team and we look forward to continued success with My Better Mortgage. Your mission statement is true BETTER SERVICE BETTER ADVICE BETTER MORTGAGES.
Thank you so much,
Ken & Bev Elson
Barrie Ontario

You have many options: cash-out refinance, home equity line of credit, and reverse mortgage.

If coming home from work leaves you wishing for a new front porch or backyard oasis, look no further. Turning a house into a home is about transforming a building made of bricks and cement into a place that calms your sole and brings you happiness and harmony. Accessing equity from your home for renovations is as easy as dreaming up your home get-away.

A $50,000 home renovation added to your mortgage increases your payment by approximately $200 per month. Yet the value added to your home can be astronomical. Knowing where to invest your money is the key to a successful renovation.

The Appraisal Institute of Canada estimates the following returns:

Kitchen Renovation 75% – 100% return
Bathroom Renovation 75% – 100% return
Interior Painting 50% – 100% return
Flooring Upgrade 50% – 100% return
Installing Central Air 25% – 75% return
Landscaping 25% – 50% return

Mortgage refinancing has two major benefits.

The most popular reason for refinancing is to lower your monthly financial payment obligations. In 2019, clients of My Better Mortgage saw an average savings of $1537.84 per month when consolidating their debts and mortgage. That’s a total of $92,270.40 over the course of a 5 year term.

The second benefit is to get your home’s equity working towards your future. With a My Better Mortgage agent on your side, the future possibilities are endless!

get equity from your home

Your “home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love.”

– Marvin Ashton

Contact Us Today To Discover Your Options!

Give us a call, or fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day to set up an appointment at your convenience.

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